The SA Seal and High School Graduation

Aug 2021

In 2018, Success Academies had its first high school graduation. Seventeen scholars graduated to go on to four-year colleges and universities. I had the great fortune to design the Success Academies seal which is used on all graduation collateral, including scholar diplomas.

The SA Seal

After many iterations on the design, the final version has a slight reference to the original Success Academies logo which featured a beacon with rays of light. This was a personal point of pride for me because my design was chosen over Pentagram's design.

Invitation and Program

In previous years, Success Academies printed these items for all attendees. We translated these assets to digital mediums for the 2020 and 2021 virtual graduations.

Diploma Badges

As the high school curriculum evolved into specialty tracks of study, there became a need to indicate concentrated areas of study on our scholars' diplomas.


The production of these is quite fascinating. It uses five types of processes to produce each diploma.

  1. Letterpress printing
  2. Digital (laser) printing
  3. Offset printing
  4. Foil stamping

Moreover, for our first two graduating classes, we had a calligrapher apply each name.

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